
Posts Tagged ‘Foot Pedal’

(Photo by Robert Plant, April 14, 2010.)

Standard Fender Stratocaster

My first axe is an electric Standard Fender Stratocaster. This beauty has the classic Fender Strat look that come with two single-coil pickups and a double humbucker.

I plug this legendary guitar into a Fender Princeton 65 amp that will tear the roof off. I hook that into a small Fender foot pedal that allows me to switch channels. I can switch from clean to distortion and add effects like reverb or echo.

My first love was my acoustic guitar but this masterpiece of electric thunder has brought my guitar game to a new level. Roger Waters of Pink Floyd once said, “You can give a man a Les Paul but he doesn’t become Eric Clapton.” This is true, but it would still make him want to be and that’s how my guitar makes me feel.

(Photo by Robert Plant, April 14, 2010.)

Acoustic Seagull S6

This is a pretty underrated guitar from Quebec, Canada. The slim head offers a distinct characteristic to the sleek look of this acoustic. The sound this guitar produces has a deep feel to it that captivates the eardrums.

This is a great guitar for beginners but can also please the more advanced musicians. I like to use Elixer brand acoustic strings on this guitar. It makes it easier to slide up and down the strings and are a little less strenuous on your fingers without taking away from your sound.

What kind of guitars do you have or prefer to use?

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